Source code for espm.weights.abundance

Weights creation class

The :mod:`espm.weights.abundance` module implements the class :class:`Abundance` which is used to create the weights of the phases. The weights are stored in the attribute :attr:`weights` and are normalized to 1.

import numpy as np
from espm.models.EDXS_function import gaussian
import scipy.ndimage as ndimage
from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu
import hyperspy.api as hs
from skimage.filters import median
from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline

[docs] class Abundance(object): def __init__(self, shape_2d, n_phases): self.shape_2d = shape_2d self.n_phases = n_phases self._weights = np.zeros([*shape_2d, n_phases]) ##################### # Utility functions # ##################### @property def weights (self) : if np.sum(self._weights[:,:,0]) == 0.0 : self._weights[:,:,0] = 1 - np.sum(self._weights[:,:,0:], axis=2) return self._weights
[docs] def check_add_weights(self, val, phase_id): r""" Check if the sum of the weights is below 1. If it is, add the new abundance. If not, print a message. Parameters ---------- val : array Array of the new abundance. phase_id : int Index of the phase. It has to be between 1 and n_phases-1. Returns ------- None. """ s = self._weights.sum(axis=2) s += val test = s <= 1 if np.all(test) : self._weights[:, :, phase_id] += val else : print("The weights contain values above 1, adding the new abundance was aborted.")
[docs] def scale_phase(self,values,conc_min,conc_max) : r""" Scale the values of a phase between conc_min and conc_max. If the values are all zero, the function returns the values without scaling. Parameters ---------- values : array Array of the abundance to scale. conc_min : float Minimum concentration of the phase. It has to be between 0.0 and 1.0. conc_max : float Maximum concentration of the phase. It has to be between 0.0 and 1.0. Returns ------- scaled_values : array Array of the scaled abundance. """ if np.max(values) == 0.0 and np.min(values) == 0.0 : print('The abundance is zero everywhere, scaling was aborted.') return values else : return (values - np.min(values))/(np.max(values) - np.min(values))*(conc_max - conc_min)+conc_min
################# # Add functions # #################
[docs] def add_wedge(self, ind_origin, length, width, conc_min, conc_max, phase_id): r""" Function to define a wedge abundance of a defined phase. The concentration is max at the top and min at the bottom. Parameters ---------- ind_origin : tuple of integers Coordinates of the top left corner of the wedge. It has to be inside the current weights, i.e. ind_origin[0] + length <= self.shape_2d[0] and ind_origin[1] + width <= self.shape_2d[1]. length : int Length of the wedge in pixels. width : int Width of the wedge in pixels. conc_min : float Minimum concentration of the wedge. It has to be between 0.0 and 1.0. conc_max : float Maximum concentration of the wedge. It has to be between 0.0 and 1.0. phase_id : int Index of the phase. It has to be between 1 and n_phases-1. Returns ------- None. Examples -------- >>> from espm.weights.abundance import Abundance >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt >>> shape_2d = (100,100) >>> n_phases = 2 >>> wedge = Abundance(shape_2d, n_phases) >>> wedge.add_wedge((0,0), 50, 50, 0.0, 1.0, 1) >>> plt.imshow(wedge.weights[:,:,1]) """ assert phase_id != 0, "The phase_id cannot be 0, it has to be between 1 and n_phases-1." if (ind_origin[0] + length <= self.shape_2d[0]) or ( ind_origin[1] + width <= self.shape_2d[1] ): # Constructs the wedge in 2D wedge = np.linspace( (np.linspace(0, 1, num=width)), (np.linspace(0, 1, num=width)), num=length, ) val = np.zeros(self.shape_2d) val[ ind_origin[0] : ind_origin[0] + length, ind_origin[1] : ind_origin[1] + width, ] = wedge else : print('The wedge is at least partially outside the current weights, please choose other top left coordinates.') scaled_values = self.scale_phase(val,conc_min,conc_max) self.check_add_weights(scaled_values, phase_id)
[docs] def add_sphere(self, ind_origin, radius, conc_max, phase_id, asym_x=1.0, asym_y=1.0): r""" Function to define a sphere abundance of a defined phase. The concentration is max at centre and 0.0 on the edges. Parameters ---------- ind_origin : tuple of integers Coordinates of the centre of the sphere. radius : float Radius of the sphere in pixels. conc_max : float Maximum concentration of the sphere. phase_id : int Index of the phase asym_x : float, optional Asymmetry of the sphere in the x direction. The default is 1.0. asym_y : float, optional Asymmetry of the sphere in the y direction. The default is 1.0. Returns ------- None. Examples -------- >>> from espm.weights.abundance import Abundance >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt >>> shape_2d = (100,100) >>> n_phases = 2 >>> sphere = Abundance(shape_2d, n_phases) >>> sphere.add_sphere((50,50), 30, 1.0, 1) >>> plt.imshow(sphere.weights[:,:,1]) """ assert phase_id != 0, "The phase_id cannot be 0, it has to be between 1 and n_phases-1." xx, yy = np.mgrid[: self.shape_2d[0], : self.shape_2d[1]] sq_sphere = (radius**2 - ((xx - ind_origin[0])/asym_x)**2 - ((yy - ind_origin[1])/asym_y)**2) mask = sq_sphere > 0 sphere = np.zeros(self.shape_2d) sphere[mask] = 2*np.sqrt(sq_sphere[mask]) scaled_sphere = self.scale_phase(sphere,0,conc_max) self.check_add_weights(scaled_sphere, phase_id)
[docs] def add_gaussian_ripple(self, center, width, conc_max, phase_id) : r""" Function to define a gaussian ripple spanning over the whole length of the weights abundance of a defined phase. The concentration is max at the center and 0.0 on the edges. Parameters ---------- center : int Position on the mean of the gaussian ripple in pixels. width : int Full width at half maximum of the gaussian in pixels. conc_max : float Maximum concentration of the gaussian ripple. It has to be between 0.0 and 1.0. phase_id : int Index of the phase. It has to be between 1 and n_phases-1. Returns ------- None. Examples -------- >>> from espm.weights.abundance import Abundance >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt >>> shape_2d = (100,100) >>> n_phases = 2 >>> gaussian_ripple = Abundance(shape_2d, n_phases) >>> gaussian_ripple.add_gaussian_ripple(50, 15, 1.0, 1) >>> plt.imshow(gaussian_ripple.weights[:,:,1]) """ assert phase_id != 0, "The phase_id cannot be 0, it has to be between 1 and n_phases-1." x = np.arange(self.shape_2d[1]) gauss_line = gaussian(x,center,width/2.355) gaussian_ripple = np.tile(gauss_line,(self.shape_2d[0],1)) scaled_gaussian_ripple = self.scale_phase(gaussian_ripple,0,conc_max) self.check_add_weights(scaled_gaussian_ripple, phase_id)
[docs] def add_laplacian(self,seed, phase_id, conc_min, conc_max,size_x = 50, size_y = 50) : r""" Function to generate smooth noise. The characteristic length scale of the noise variations is defined by the scale_x and scale_y parameters. Parameters ---------- seed : int Seed for the random number generator. phase_id : int Index of the phase. It has to be between 1 and n_phases-1. conc_min : float Minimum concentration. It has to be between 0.0 and 1.0. conc_max : float Maximum concentration. It has to be between 0.0 and 1.0. size_x : int, optional characteristic length scale of the noise variations in the x direction. The default is 50. size_y : int, optional characteristic length scale of the noise variations in the y direction. The default is 50. Returns ------- None. Examples -------- >>> from espm.weights.abundance import Abundance >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt >>> shape_2d = (100,100) >>> n_phases = 2 >>> laplacian = Abundance(shape_2d, n_phases) >>> laplacian.add_laplacian(1, 1, 0.0, 1.0, 10, 10) >>> plt.imshow(laplacian.weights[:,:,1]) """ assert phase_id != 0, "The phase_id cannot be 0, it has to be between 1 and n_phases-1." np.random.seed(seed) rnd = np.random.rand(size_x,size_y) lapl = median(median(rnd)) # f = interp2d(np.arange(size_x), np.arange(size_y), lapl, kind='cubic') f = RectBivariateSpline(np.arange(size_x), np.arange(size_y), lapl.T) # For some dumb reason, the interpolation function has to have the coordinates in the opposite order res = f(np.linspace(0,size_y-1,num = self.shape_2d[1]),np.linspace(0,size_x-1,num = self.shape_2d[0])).T scaled_res = self.scale_phase(res,conc_min,conc_max) self.check_add_weights(scaled_res, phase_id)
[docs] def add_random(self,seed, phase_id, conc_min, conc_max) : r""" Function to generate random noise. Parameters ---------- seed : int Seed for the random number generator. phase_id : int Index of the phase. It has to be between 1 and n_phases-1. conc_min : float Minimum concentration. It has to be between 0.0 and 1.0. conc_max : float Maximum concentration. It has to be between 0.0 and 1.0. Returns ------- None. Examples -------- >>> from espm.weights.abundance import Abundance >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt >>> shape_2d = (100,100) >>> n_phases = 2 >>> random = Abundance(shape_2d, n_phases) >>> random.add_random(1, 1, 0.0, 1.0) >>> plt.imshow(random.weights[:,:,1]) """ assert phase_id != 0, "The phase_id cannot be 0, it has to be between 1 and n_phases-1." np.random.seed(seed) rnd = np.random.rand(self.shape_2d[0],self.shape_2d[1]) scaled_rnd = self.scale_phase(rnd,conc_min,conc_max) self.check_add_weights(scaled_rnd, phase_id)
[docs] def add_image(self, image, phase_id, conc_min, conc_max) : r""" Function to add a 2D numpy array as a phase. Parameters ---------- image : numpy.ndarray 2D numpy array with the phase. It has to be the same size as the shape_2d parameter. phase_id : int Index of the phase. It has to be between 1 and n_phases-1. conc_min : float Minimum concentration. It has to be between 0.0 and 1.0. conc_max : float Maximum concentration. It has to be between 0.0 and 1.0. Returns ------- None. Examples -------- >>> from espm.weights.abundance import Abundance >>> import hyperspy.api as hs >>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt >>> shape_2d = (512,512) >>> n_phases = 2 >>> image = Abundance(shape_2d, n_phases) >>> data = hs.datasets.example_signals.object_hologram() >>> image.add_image(, 1, 0.0, 1.0) >>> plt.imshow(image.weights[:,:,1]) """ assert phase_id != 0, "The phase_id cannot be 0, it has to be between 1 and n_phases-1." scaled_image = self.scale_phase(image,conc_min,conc_max) self.check_add_weights(scaled_image, phase_id)
[docs] def add_chemical_map(self, file, element_line, conc_min,conc_max, sigma, phase_id, **kwargs) : r""" Function to add a chemical map extracted from a EDS spectrum image as a phase. A threshold and blurring are automatically applied to the map to suppress noise. Parameters ---------- file : str Path to the EDS spectrum image. element_line : str Element line to be used for the chemical map. The corresponding element has to be in the metadata of the spectrum image. For example, if the element is 'Cu' and the line is 'K', the element_line parameter should be 'Cu_K'. conc_min : float Minimum concentration. It has to be between 0.0 and 1.0. conc_max : float Maximum concentration. It has to be between 0.0 and 1.0. sigma : float Sigma parameter for the Gaussian filter. It has to be greater than 0.0. Note that the automatic threshold is applied to the blurred map. phase_id : int Index of the phase. It has to be between 1 and n_phases-1. **kwargs : Keyword arguments for the get_lines_intensity method of the EDS spectrum image. Returns ------- None. """ assert phase_id != 0, "The phase_id cannot be 0, it has to be between 1 and n_phases-1." spim = hs.load(str(file)) map = spim.get_lines_intensity([element_line], **kwargs) blur = ndimage.gaussian_filter(map[0].data, sigma=sigma, order=0) thresh = threshold_otsu(blur) mask = np.where(blur > thresh, blur, np.zeros_like(blur)) mask[mask>0.0] = self.scale_phase(mask[mask>0.0],conc_min,conc_max) self.check_add_weights(mask, phase_id)
################################ # Old version of chemical maps # ################################ # def chemical_maps_weights(file, element_lines, conc_max, sigma = 4, **kwargs) : # spim = hs.load(str(file)) # maps = spim.get_lines_intensity(element_lines, **kwargs) # blurs = [] # for map in maps : # blurs.append(ndimage.gaussian_filter(, sigma=sigma, order=0)) # masks = [] # for blur in blurs : # thresh = threshold_otsu(blur) # masks.append(np.where(blur > thresh, blur, np.zeros_like(blur))) # for mask in masks : # ind_0 = np.where(mask > 0) # min_mask = mask[ind_0] - np.min(mask[ind_0]) # norm_mask = min_mask / ((1/conc_max)* np.max(min_mask)) # mask[ind_0] = norm_mask # complementary = 1 - (np.sum(np.stack(masks),axis = 0)) # masks.append(complementary) # weights = np.moveaxis(np.stack(masks),0,2) # return weights ##################################### # Old version of the sphere weights # ##################################### # def add_sphere(self, ind_origin, radius_x, radius_y, conc_min, conc_max, phase_id): # r""" # Function to define a sphere of a defined phase (from phases). The concentration is max at centre and min on the edges. The "spheres" can be defined to be elliptic # Inputs : # ind_origin : center of the sphere (tuple of integers) # radius_x and radius_y : x and y radius of the spheres. They depend on conc_min and conc_max and therefore do not represent a (floats) # conc_min and conc_max : min and max concentration of the sphere (floats between 0.0 and 1.0) # phase_id : index of the phase in self.phases (integer) # """ # # Defines a cartesian grid in 2D # xx, yy = np.mgrid[: self.shape_2d[0], : self.shape_2d[1]] # # Selects the area in which the concentration is above conc_min # calc_circle = ( # conc_max # - ((xx - ind_origin[0]) / (10 * radius_x)) ** 2 # - ((yy - ind_origin[1]) / (10 * radius_y)) ** 2 # ) # mask = calc_circle > conc_min # circle = mask * calc_circle # if self.check_add_weights(circle): # # Adds the sphere to the weights # self.weights[:, :, phase_id] += circle # else: # print("the phases concentrations add up to more than one")